Friday, February 2, 2018

I met a famous person today....

This semester I have an internship with the DCIAA, which is the governing body of sports for DCPS.  I started the internship at the end of October, but I was only going into the office only on Fridays.  This semester I've been able to be more involved in some of the events and office work, and today was a big day for DCIAA. They held their annual Women in Sports conference at The Line hotel. 4 student athletes (girls)  from about 6 DC public high schools were invited to attend the event and get a chance to talk to some very important woman in DC sports. The panel consisted of 5 important woman, but the main star of the event was Elena Delle Donne! Seeing the excitement on some of the students faces as they were taking pictures with her was cool to see. I don't watch the WNBA much (probably only once a year during finals round). Elena Delle Don is one of the few players in the league that I know. I'm glad I got the chance to meet her today.  She spoke to me twice on two different occasions:) I didn't get a picture with her because for some reason I forgot to ask.....BUT I got her autograph:)

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